USC-HairSalon: A 3D Hairstyle Database for Hair Modeling


We introduce a large publicly accessible 3D hairstyle database for research and non-commercial purposes. Our collection of 3D hair models can be used for data-driven modeling research as shown in [Hu et al. 2015], but also has the potential to benefit a wide range of applications for hair capture, simulation, and rendering. Such data collection also presents a great resource for benchmark and evaluation purposes. This database was created based on 343 original hair models that were collected from online repositories with characters from the Sims, [Electronic Arts 2015; Newsea 2015], and manually cleaned up and post-processed. An example hairstyle from this database is illustrated below (left: polygon soup of hair wisps; right: hair strands).
In the database:
- All the hairstyles are aligned with a fixed standard head model;
- Each hairstyle constains 10,000 hair strands, and all the hair strands have the same uniformly distributed roots on the scalp;
- Each hair strand has 1 or 100 vertices, and 1 vertex strand means no hair grown from this root.


NON-COMMERCIAL USE: The license granted is for internal, non-commercial research, evaluation or testing purposes only. Any use of the DATA or its contents to manufacture or sell products or technologies (or portions thereof) either directly or indirectly for any direct or indirect for-profit purposes is strictly prohibited.

NO WARRANTY: The data are provided "as is" and any express or implied warranties are disclaimed.

NO DISTRIBUTION: You are not allowed to sublicense or distribute the DATA in whole or in part to any third party.

CITATION: You agree to reference the publication "SINGLE-VIEW HAIR MODELING USING A HAIRSTYLE DATABASE" [1] and acknowledge Liwen Hu, Chongyang Ma, Linjie Luo and Hao Li as the source of the DATA in any publications reporting use of it or any manual or document. A copy of all reports and papers that are for public or general release that use the DATA must be forwarded immediately upon release or publication to the DATA Principal Investigator.


For all commercial licensing questions please send an e-mail to


We strore each hairstyle in a .data file. Below is the format of a .data file:

NumOfVertices(int) Vertex1(3 float) Vertex2(3 float) Vertex3(3 float) ...
NumOfVertices(int) Vertex1(3 float) Vertex2(3 float) Vertex3(3 float) ...



[1] Single-View Hair Modeling Using A Hairstyle Database. 2015. Liwen Hu, Chongyang Ma, Linjie Luo, Hao Li.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2015), Vol 34, Issue 4, 125:1--125:9. [ Project page ]

[2] The Sims Resource. 2015. ELECTRONIC ARTS. [ Homepage ]

[3] Newsea SIMS. 2015. NEWSEA. [ Homepage ]